Thursday, October 22, 2009

Prepping for the homeward journey

Sorry for the gap in communication but we were without Internet for a short bit and we're getting ready to pull into Glasgow for the home stretch. I'm taking inventory of all we've bought for customs declaration and we're right at the legal max for liquor, even with Tasha and Dad holding whisky for me. Huh. :)

To bring you up to speed, we went from Kirkwall back to Castletown, then took a long drive to Fort William with some scenic stops. Skye just isn't in the cards since there isn't enough time, so instead we took a long lovely drive to Oban, where we are now. Planning to stop at the Oban distillery tomorrow as well as a few local galleries and shops before heading on to Loch Lomond and Stirling, then Glasgow.

More tales of travel when we find Internet again, but for now...back to packing and inventory. Cheers!

- Posted using BlogPress from my fake iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for all the whiskey!!! Please, please invite me to a tasting party! I want to hear all about the travels!
